Sunday, October 26, 2014

It was time...

This has been a long time coming.

Delays included class projects or exams and excuses such as:

"I actually faked my way through typing lessons as a kid. I should probably learn to type for real before getting any further in my journalism program."


"But I want to have the perfect photo. I have to clean my room first and wait for the best lighting!"

or my personal favorite

"I need to read more Southern Living and other similar publications before I start if I am going to know how best to impress them."

I finally put the excuses on the shelf, accepted that my life is never going to offer perfect circumstances for the start of an online journal, and snapped my first photo.

wrinkled skirt. just emptied coffee cup. sandals. iron. mini-board.
(background music: somewhere beyond the sea)

This blog is not just about food, but about the life of a college student, aiming to be minimalistic and aspiring to be a well-rounded food and lifestyle journalist/ photographer and perhaps even that person who works in a test kitchen. I believe my future is bright. What will become of my culinary and soon-to-be journalism degrees is entirely unknown to me, but I have hopes to use them both in whatever I do. Wife, mom, career woman, missionary, seafaring wanderer. 

My hope with this blog is to inspire others to adventure in their lives, their homes and their cooking.  

For now, I live in a residence hall that is on the National Register of Historic Places because it was built in 1939 and holds historic meaning. It's an enchanting place, with hardwood floors in each room and windows large enough to let in enormous sunbeams during sunrise and sunset. 

The above photo was taken with my iPhone shortly before sitting at my laptop computer to write.

During the snap, music from the 1940s played from Pandora on my iPhone, and I had just finished spending as little time and makeup as possible to get ready for the day. 

The skirt I wanted to wear this morning was wrinkled, so I pulled out my miniature ironing board and set it on the floor, poured freshly-filtered water into my iron, plugged it in and sat, sipping my coffee as I waited for the iron to warm. 

My sandals are in the photo. I thought about moving them, but they add meaning. They are leftover from hosting last night's ghost tours. My personal preference for my feet is that they have nothing on them, so the first thing to go as soon as I walk into my room is the shoes. I should have put the sandals on their rack in the closet as soon as I returned last night, but I heard my friends in their room above mine, so darted upstairs to see them in costume and bid them goodnight before their Halloween party. 

Photos tell stories. Stories can reveal so much about a person. 

I am not the neatest or most organized person, but I do like my space to be clean. And I have strange romantic feelings about the sunlight pouring through my windows. That's all you need to know for now. The rest will come.

It's Fall. Leaves are changing colors. The air is mildly crisp. My hair is not frizzy.

Welcome to my blog.